“The family is one of nature's masterpieces.” George Santayana

Thursday, May 1, 2014

During the years that George C. Naegle presided in the LDS Swiss and German Mission

During the years that George C. Naegle presided in the LDS Swiss and German Mission, he published numerous articles and reports in the Church’s long-lived (1869-2000) German journal Der Stern, starting with his “introduction”  (issue of  May 1, 1894) and ending with his farewell (issue of January 1, 1897).  The farewell letter was translated in 2013 by Kenneth Kronenberg, independent translator, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

President George C Naegle standing behind his wife Sabra while serving in the LDS
Swiss German Mission.
This farewell letter reflects George’s practice of marking a special day or time with verse – the four lines at the end clearly rhyme in the original German.  This letter’s point of view is different from that of the “introduction” letter, with somewhat more expression of “we” and the added signature of Sabra Naegle.

(Der Stern has been digitized and can be accessed – in German -- on line.)

Dear missionaries, brothers and sisters, and friends of the Swiss and German mission:

            As we have been called back to Zion, and having received our honorable release from President Wells in Liverpool, it is with joy that I take up the pen to dedicate a few words upon our departure and bid a heartfelt farewell.

George C and Sabra Naegle
            I left my homeland in Mexico in September 1893 and with Apostle Teasdale, president of the Mexican mission, and numerous others, I traveled over 1000 miles to Utah in order to attend the October conference in Salt Lake City, and to enjoy the blessings of the Holy Temple. I then hurried on to my beloved wife in southern Utah, who had already gone there in the spring for the dedication of the temple and remained there under medical care. During our absence, we suffered the painful loss of all of our children.

            In this sad position, I received a telegram from President Woodruff on January 4, 1894 containing the surprising news that I was to take up a mission in Germany. This truly tested us because we were far from our homeland, and I was to leave my wife in a weakened state of health in her disconsolate condition. But then I said, it is a call from God's prophet, and I will go. We immediately traveled to Salt Lake City, where the first presidency of the church decided that I was to assume the presidency of this mission, and that my wife was to accompany me. Three days later, on January 24, 1894, we departed . . . and reached Bern on February 16. I began my work . . . and the presidency of the mission was transferred to me 3 months later.

            The success of our work is recorded in heaven and well-known among our brothers and sisters in this mission. If we achieved something to promote the work of God in these countries, we feel the need to honor God for it and thank him from the bottom of our hearts for the fatherly blessings and support from him that we have enjoyed.

[Here George expresses specific thanks to a listing of mission staff, missionaries and members, European Mission officers and staff, and others named, then continues with comments to missionaries, Church members, and others interested in the Church.]

            Dear missionaries! You have done a noble work; continue to carry your divine message to the people. This time is the Lord's time; do not misuse it. Gather your courage and pray for strength from above to fulfill your blessed missions, and when you do and persevere steadfastly to the end, you will be counted among the 144,000 who will one day stand as redeemers upon the mountain of Zion.

            Dear brothers and sisters! Be joyous and trust that your cause is righteous. Remain pure and unsullied by the sins of the world. Be honest, steadfast, and faithful; pay your tithes, pay your debts, and be blessed. Fulfill your duties completely and wholly so that you may enjoy the blessings of God completely and wholly. Support the elders; listen to their suggestions because they are servants of God and care about your welfare and salvation.

            Dear friends! I urge you to examine our message thoroughly because I bear witness in the name of Jesus Christ that God has again spoken from heaven, and as surely as Christ is his son and the Redeemer of the world, so truly is Joseph Smith his prophet, and this, the Church of Latter Day Saints, is the church of the Lamb of God and the only one on earth with apostles, prophets, etc., and the perfect organization as it existed in the original church, and we invite you to become members of same and citizens of the Kingdom of God.

            Now at the conclusion of our mission, we for the third time experienced a wonderful conference at Christmas in Winterthur. "All good things come in three." Perhaps I will take up a mission for the third time. Gladly, if God calls me again and I can say that I would not rather be anywhere else but on a mission to Switzerland and Germany.

Now the time and hour have come for us to return to America.

Joyously, we leave the federal city of Bern,
And return to Zion in the name of the Lord,
I bid you a fond farewell and hope to see you again
If not on earth then surely in heaven.

Your departing brother and sister

Geo. C and Sabra Naegle

Bern, Archivstrasse 20, January 1, 1897

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